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South Morang grassfire highlights importance of receiving emergency information and warnings

Last Tuesday’s grassfire in South Morang highlights the summer fire risk in urban environments especially on Melbourne’s urban fringe.

During an emergency indecision and confusion could be a killer.

There are 3 important questions you and your family will need to answer to avoid confusion and make the right decisions to stay safe.

1. How will you know it’s time to leave?

2. Where will you evacuate to?

3. What route will you take and do you have back up route if your planned one is blocked?

The key to answering these questions is having the most up to date emergency information and warnings at your finger tips and the VicEmergency app is the perfect way to receive this type of information during an emergency.

VicEmergency app is the official Victorian Government app for access to community information and warnings for all types of emergencies in Victoria which we recommend all Wollert residents should install on all their smart phones or tablets.

The VicEmergency app brings together emergency information and warnings from agencies including:

  • Country Fire Authority

  • Department of Economic Development and Transport and Resources

  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

  • Department of Health and Human Services

  • Life Saving Victoria

  • Metropolitan Fire Brigade

  • Victoria State Emergency Service

Make sure you have the Vic Emergency app installed on all of your smart phones and tablets so you and your family can stay safe.

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