GM Holden Ltd — MY2007-2010 Holden CG Captiva with 2.0L Diesel Engine

Product description MY2007-2010 Holden CG Captiva with 2.0L Diesel Engine (LLW) Affected Build Range from KL3CA26RJ9B258567 to KL3CG26RJ9B503405
Supplier GM Holden Ltd Traders who sold these products GM Holden Ltd Where the product was sold Nationally Identifying features List of affected VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) can be found here What are the defects? A fracture on the fuel feed hose connector may cause the fuel feed hose to disconnect and leak fuel. What are the hazards? A fuel leak could result in an engine stall or an engine bay fire, posing a risk of injury to the vehicle occupant(s) and other road users.
What should consumers do? GM Holden will write to all affected customers to notify them of required action. Affected customers are invited to contact either Holden Customer Care by phoning 1800 033 349, or their nearest Holden Dealer to arrange vehicle inspection and repair. Dealer contact details can be found by visiting the GM Holden website –